This simple homemade elderberry syrup recipe is great to help you kick that cold or keep it at bay. Sweetened with honey only, it helps to soothe a sore throat, potentially get rid of your symptoms faster and tastes good as well! Made with ingredients you may already have in your pantry.
Why I make this simple homemade elderberry syrup
Every winter I make a batch of my simple homemade elderberry syrup for my husband and I. One batch can go a long way for just the two of us. One of the great things about this recipe is that it can last for months in the fridge. With only my husband and I in the house being the only ones consuming this at the moment, it lasts us months.
We have found that taking this as soon as we start to notice cold symptoms and doubling the dose until all symptoms have cleared help us to get rid of the cold in about half the time.
A great part of this recipe is that once your done cooking the elderberries and have gotten all the precious juice from them you can then give the cooked berries to your chickens as a healthy and tasty treat. This time of year there isn’t much outside for them to eat (if you, like me, live in New England where there tends to be a lot of snow and no grass this time of year). They just scarf them up.
Not all of it is edible
As a disclaimer, I should warn you, it is not recommended to eat raw elderberries. It can cause stomach issues like vomiting. So I would just keep it on the safe side and cook the elderberries first.
Do you have to add the honey?
You don’t have to add the honey but the taste will be a lot stronger and take some time getting used to. The reason the honey is typically added is because it has added benefits just like the elderberries. Apart from adding a healthy sweetness to the syrup the honey can help get rid of those cold symptoms.
There are other substitutions for the honey, like molasses or maple syrup. I personally have not added either of these ingredients, always honey. Now if you do choose to not add any sweetener the juice will then need to be consumed sooner.
Just like cough drops or adding it to your tea, honey can help if you have a sore throat. Its thick consistency coats the back of your throat, alleviating some discomfort. Though temporary, taking it with the elderberry juice and taking it more frequently when you have cold symptoms can help you kick the cold sooner.

How much should I take at a time?
Typically at the beginning of flu season I’ll make up a batch and we take a little bit here and there to help keep up our immune system. Then we take a bit more if we have some symptoms of a cold coming on, like a sore throat.
Now if we end up getting sick we will take it more often.
It would be best to consult an herbalist or naturopath as to exact amounts to take especially if you are planning on giving it to your child. Remember not to give any honey to children under 1-2 years of age.
As a general rule, as an adult, my husband and I take 1 tablespoon daily as an immune booster even if we are not sick. If symptoms arise we take 1-2 tablespoons every 3-4 hours until symptoms resolve.
What are some other things I can make with elderberry syrup?
I have made elderberry gummies, which my husband LOVED and I have also made elderberry flavored kombucha. The elderberry kombucha wasn’t as big of a hit but it was my first time making that flavor. You could also make elderberry popsicles.
How long does the elderberry syrup last for?
When adding the honey its typically recommended to consume it within 3 months when stored in the refrigerator. I store mine in a mason jar which I feels creates a tight enough seal and I’ve had it last several months.
Since flu season is in full swing I thought this would be a good time to share this simple homemade elderberry syrup recipe.

Why not just buy it already made?
While buying it already made is much easier, I’ve found that it tends to be much more expensive. For example, at my local health food store they sell an 8 ounce bottle that costs around $20 per bottle.
I could buy a 1 pound bag of dried elderberries for the same price and it would last me months. So I can easily grab some elderberries, water and add the rest of the ingredients that I already had in my pantry and it makes 16 ounces in just over an hour for a fraction on the price.
Not to mention that when I make it myself, I know all the ingredients that go into it.

Simple Homemade Elderberry Syrup Ingredients
- 3/4 cup dried black elderberries (or 1 1/3 cup fresh or frozen)
- 3 1/2 cups water
- 1 tsp cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves or 4 whole cloves
- 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger or 1 tsp dried ginger
- 1 cup honey

Simple Homemade Elderberry Syrup Instructions
- Add all ingredients to a small pot (except the honey).
- Bring to a boil then turn heat down, cover with a lid and let simmer until the liquid has reduced to half.
- Remove from the stove and pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer over a clean bowl and use a spoon or spatula to press all the liquid from the elderberries.
- Discard the cooked elderberries.
- Allow the liquid to cool a bit then add the honey and stir it in while still warm.
- Let cool completely and add to an air tight jar and store in the refrigerator.
Take 1/2 – 1 tablespoon daily for an adult as an immune booster. If symptoms arise take normal dose every 3-4 hours until symptoms resolve.

Print the Recipe Simple Homemade Elderberry Syrup

Simple Homemade Elderberry Syrup
- 3/4 cup dried black elderberries or 1 1/3 cup fresh or frozen
- 3 1/2 cups water
- 1 tsp cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves or 4 whole cloves
- 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger or 1 tsp dried ginger
- 1 cup honey
- Add all ingredients to a small pot (except the honey).
- Bring to a boil then turn heat down, cover with a lid and let simmer until the liquid has reduced to half.
- Remove from the stove and pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer over a clean bowl and use a spoon or spatula to press all the liquid from the elderberries.
- Discard the cooked elderberries.
- Allow the liquid to cool a bit then add the honey and stir it in while still warm.
- Let cool completely and add to an air tight jar and store in the refrigerator.
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I love elderberry syrup. I add it to my kefir daily. Honey is a great sweetener. Great post!
That’s a great idea, I will have to try that. Sounds yummy!
We love to make homemade elderberry syrup! Great post and explanation. Thanks for sharing!
This is definitely a needed remedy right now!
This was my first year making elderberry syrup and we loved it too! I’m so thankful for all of the things God gave us to support our bodies naturally!
We love taking elderberry syrup for immune support! Great recipe!